Sunday, 19 June 2011


No, no, no, not that weird teen musical where seemingly no one is hetrosexual, but camping. And camp too. Camp camping. I'm talking about the editors brief from IdeasTap, the creative network, it's about camping and our lovely British attitudes to said past time. You can read the brief here but I'm not all about the sharing. I'm gonna use this space to try and think out this brief whilst listening to Stephen Fry reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and drinking Yorkshire tea. If I were smoking a pipe or wearing a mini then I'd be a little more British, I'm not but if that's how you choose to imagine the scene, who am I to stop you?
So, camping. I used to go camping in Angelsy every year with my mother, who went every year when she was young with her parents, who actually brought along my aged great-grandmother one year so technically, we've been camping there for 4 generations. Nifty, eh?

If you've seen the new Clash of the Titans film (poor you) then the scene at the end when he's racing down a beach on a horse? Yeah, Anglesey, we were there, there were men with walky talkies who irritated us to no end. It's lovely and Welsh, Anglesey.
What I remember most about seems to be the special eating equipment, if we'd brought along our own mugs then they were weird because we were drinking tea in a field. A combination of plastic and enamel stuff that was all a bit mis matched and childish.

How English and exciting does that look? Camping has that blitz mentality attached to it, really, all your doing is surviving in a field but we bloody love it! It's one of the reasons I don't understand luxury camping.
So, something about our love of being hardy would be a bit great I reckon. What would you submit?

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